Monday, November 9, 2015

We’re Number 19! We’re Number 19!

Forgive me a Humble-Brag but I recently finished 19th out of about 5500 funny people in a joke-writing contest on The two month long, daily-submission contest earned me a sparkling $50 in prize money. I plan to spend it on home gourmet yoghurt, yak futures and new pin-striping for the Buick.

Here are a sprinkling of jokes I’ve written, one or two of which may even be funny.

(Comedywire Topic/setup in Bold Type)

Staff at French McDonald's fired for selling drugs via drive-thru

In related news, forensic exams showed the drugs had more nutritional value than the Happy Meals they served.  

China, Taiwan Leaders Meet For First Time In 66 Years

They had a few laughs, caught up on recent events and decide to annex Japan

Man 'with horse's neck' shows why you shouldn't drink a lot 

As a general rule you're more likely to run into horses asses who drink too much
Top 10 Reasons for Cancelled Concerts

Termites got to all of Zamfir's Pan Flutes

Top 10 Unneeded Confessions by Ben Carson

I could never remember if it's 'Measure twice, cut once' or the other way around. (6)

Decision to award 2018 World Cup to Russia was "fixed"

Corruption in Russia? I'll alert the media.

Some fish can count higher than others

And any parent who's ever bought his kid a couple of guppies knows, all fish can multiply

Woman escapes jail after stealing another inmate's identity

Doesn't she know she can get in trouble for that?

Drunken driver falls asleep waiting to pay at Midtown Tunnel

First two things he said when awakened were "I am not drunk Officer" and "Where the hell is my Big Mac and Fries?"

Top 10 Practical Jokes to Play on Aging Parents

It's always fun to slip stool softener into their afternoon tea, but as I learned, first make sure the Will is locked down .

Runaway blimp crash-lands after wild chase by F-16s

How is Donald Trump coping with his polling slump

With his usual grace, understatement and class.

Make Up a New Religion and Who Would Be the Leader

Sciencealism. I'd pick a movie star to head it and have it based on aliens sent here to blow up our volcanos, and--get this--you gotta pay to pray!

Longtime bestialist caught trying to trade sex with his dog for intercourse with miniature horses

Iike to go to a party with this guy, just to introduce him. "Jim here is a standup comedian. I'd like to introduce you to Allen, who is a longtime beastialist.

Big Ass Schnauzer. Comedy Gold. "Hey lady, wanna see my Big Ass Schnauzer?"  The show practically writes itself.

Lincoln Chafee drops out of Presidential race.

A mighty Oak Tree has fallen in the forest. This has nothing to do with Chaffee dropping out, just wanted to mention it.

Cans of 'Boiled Parrot' ruffle feathers in San Francisco

Tastes a little bit like chicken.

Texans discover 'Texas' means 'crazy' in Norway

Texas means crazy everywhere, including Texas

Lumber Liquidators pleads guilty to timber trafficking, agrees to Pay $13 Million

The hardest part was getting the Mules to swallow a 2"x 4"

The Perils of 'Grooming' Yourself for a New Lover

To avoid these worries I've accumulated the second largest collection of Merkins this side of the Atlantic.