Friday, April 20, 2012

Don't Piss Off the Bees

A friend recently posted that she had become upset when she caught her then 17-year-old son having sex with his girlfriend. Always one to be helpful, here is my advice to her:

“We all have our sexual traumas throughout our lives, but people are emotionally flexible and often survive these events undaunted. My first such incident was when my Parish Priest brought me into his office, closed the door, dimmed the lights, and put on some Johnny Mathis. He got out the Sacramental wine, pour two glasses and then told me he "only liked me as a friend." He polishd off both glasses and said he much preferred the dark, hulking, type Altar Boy. I've tried to be darker and hulkinger ever since.

Then, when I was only 19, my Dad tried to explain the birds and bees to me using a GI Joe doll plus actual birds and bees. It was going well until he accidentally knocked the hive loose with his pointing stick. GI Joe was stung multiple times on his Chiliwhacker, and Dad suffered three stings, two on his hands and one to his pointing stick.

His next attempt involved describing how sex works by explaining how he bred our beloved pet Boxer. Now I can't get in the mood without a couple of Dog Yummies first, and can't finish unless someone throws a bucket of water on me. I've lost a number of partners that way, including Aqua Woman.

But as you can see, I've turned out normal enough, so I'm sure your son will too. I hold out little hope for you, however."

A CorkComment360. Comedic insights, advice and inaccuracies in 360 words or less, designed to better serve you, the distracted, multi-tasking, short-attention-spanned, dimwitted Reader.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Attack of the Old Fat Gym Rat

A CorkComment360.  Comedic insight, insults and/or inaccuracies in 360 words or less, designed to better serve you, the distracted, multi-tasking, short-attention-spanned--Oh look! Cows!-- Reader.

Because I worked in the Business of Show a long time, I’m a member of Old Show Business Veterans and Geezers Center on Spielberg Drive, off Mulholland, across from the Chix Quix.

I could live there when I’m older and feebler but I’ve instructed my loved ones otherwise. When Elvis has Left the Building for good, I say put me on an Ice Flow with a Barcalounger, DirectTV and a case of Maker’s Mark.

(Thanks to the Fossil Fuel Industry and the God Wants Us to Ruin Earth Religious Right, there’s a good chance I’ll outlive Ice.  So I’m looking into military surplus rescue rafts.)

I’m currently too old and too fat for my own good—hell, I’m too old and too fat for anybody’s good—and am of the belief exercise is best enjoyed in the comfort of one’s home while watching infomercials. Nothing makes a Cheese Nacho tastier than seeing those Insanity Idiots run around like headless chickens proving Darwin wrong.

But it hasn’t been the same since Tony Little went to Infomercial Heaven. The last time I saw one, it was a guy with a bad hairpiece and a Martian accent claiming people should eat Omega Oils until they poop Codfish.

Where the hell is that “Get Rich Quick by Peddling Get Rich Quick Books” huckster or the Hair-in-a-Can guy when you need ‘im?

Anyway, my doctor commanded me to exercise and lose weight. I nodded politely because you don’t want to piss off a guy who can order you to turn around and drop your pants. 

Because I worked in Show Business long enough for brain damage, I qualify to use the Old Folks Gym for $10 a month. So yesterday, I went.

I rode a recumbent bike, which, sadly, is not a Metaphor. It sits facing a picture window looking out at the Jodie Foster swimming pool. I recumbed for 20 minutes. My aching ankle didn’t. I got home and watched Jodie in “Contact” on AMC.

It’s a sign. I’m going back today.